What is an Archived Card?
When your financial circumstances change, you’ll want to record these changes accurately to ensure a historical record is maintained and historical insights can be displayed.
As such, we’ve now given you the capability to Archive a card so that it can be treated as a past, editable record. This ensures that the historical financial performance of your Cards can be maintained and managed. Data from your Financial Cards can now be archived or deleted.
For instance, if you start a new job, your existing Card may no longer be relevant. However, you may wish to retain a record of your past job so that you can keep a track of your historical Working Income performance. Here, you would archive the previous income Card and create a new Card to record your new job.
Similarly, if your child has moved from Primary School to High School, you could archive your Primary School Card and create a new High School Card. Not only will you be able to still see historical insights of the overall ‘Education – School Fees’ Item Category and how it has moved over time, you will also be able to accurately record the actual historical impact each expense change has had (note: historical tracking and insights are coming soon).
How to Archive a Card:
To Archive a Card:
- Open the relevant Financial Card you wish to Archive.
- Click on the Options (…) in the top right of the Card.
- Click on ‘Archive’, and set a Date for the Card to be Archived.
Archiving a Card with active links:
Certain Financial Cards, such as a Property Asset Card, have Cards that are dependent on them. A Property Card may have other additional Cards linked to them, such as Property Expense Cards and Property Income Cards, whereby without the Property Card itself, these Expenses and Income Cards that are associated with the Property would not exist.
Why might you want to archive all of these at once? Simply put, if an asset is no longer in existence, there’s a good chance that any income or expense originally attached to the property no longer applies. To assist with ensuring your data is maintained correctly, when archiving a ‘Parent’ Card, such as a Property Asset Card or Investment Asset Card, we’ll prompt you to archive the ‘Child’ Expenses and Income associated with that property.
Note: Associated Borrowings are not currently shown as ‘linked’ properties, due to their unique nature. Some loans are able to be used for or secured against multiple Assets.
To archive a Card with active Links:
- Open the relevant Financial Card you wish to archive.
- Click on the Options (…) in the top right of the Card.
- Click on the ‘Archive’ option.
- A list of linked income and expense cards will be displayed. Each of these will be automatically archived when the Parent Asset is archived.
How to Restore a Card
- Open the relevant archived Financial Card you wish to restore.
- Click on the Options (…) in the top right of the Card.
- Click on ‘Restore’, and set a Date for the Card to be Restored.
How to Delete a Card
Deleting a Card works differently from archiving a Card, in that when you delete a Card, it is a permanent deletion of that financial record. This means all historical records and data associated with the Card are removed.
To ensure you don’t accidentally remove important information, deletion occurs only after a card has been archived.
To Delete a Card:
- Open the relevant archived Financial Card you wish to delete.
- Click on the Options (…) in the top right of the Card.
- Click on ‘Delete’ and confirm the action.
Note that as with Archiving, the deletion of a Parent Asset card will result in the deletion of the underlying linked income and expense cards, as they should not exist without the Parent card.
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