Moorr Release Notes

Release notes for major releases, minor updates and bug fixes.

New Updates

  • Property Depreciation fields are now available on Moorr! Check out one of our highly requested feature here
  • An upgrade on the Offset Tracker chart, we’ve just released a new Offset Benefit Projection Insights. Learn all about it here >

New Update

  • NEW Mobile Insight! Cash Position Chart – read more here
  • Bulk Add & Bulk Edit Income (Our LAST Instalment of the Bulk add/Edit Series!) – Read more here.

New Update

  • NEW insight Alert! Offset Balance Vs Loan Balance – read more here

Minor Updates

  • Added additional card view on MyFINANCIALS you can now view cards horizontally and grouped under headings.
  • Non-Taxable Income is now included in the Annual Income tile at the top of the Home Dashboard Summary

New Update

  • Bulk add/edit of Assets – read more here

New Update

  • Bulk add/edit of Borrowings – read more here

Minor Updates

  • Added additional information under ‘Purpose’ on borrowings cards.
  • Added some small explanatory text to Card Creation for Income and Assets.
  • Added a ‘Release Notes’ button to the bottom left of Moorr. 
  • Added historical tax rates and implemented future tax rates from July 2024 in preparation for implementation of Stage 3 Tax cut calculations.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the historical changelog column for ‘discretionary’ was not showing for property expenses.
  • Fixed a bug where the Info icon under Expenses classification in MyFINANCIALS was not showing, therefore not showing a summary of monthly expenditure totals


Minor Updates

  • Rearranging the Card Tray board – we now show the card groups in Assets, Borrowings, Income & Expenses.
  • Enhancement to Overtime charts within the cards – will show last value all the way to today to show the current value on the chart.
  • We are now allowing users to delete new expenses within the bulk add/edit dialogs
  • New guidance message on home dashboard if a property has no linked loans.
  • Additional Guidance on adding Offsets, payment accounts, purposes of loan and security – if  there is nothing to show on the drop down, we ask the user to create a bank account or asset.

Minor Updates

  • The single add of expense dialog is now sorted into the expense groups with a search bar
  • You can now archive expense cards on the bulk edit dialog
  • For ease of your interaction with bulk add of expenses, when you click create and are taken to the expense edit – the dialog will scroll to the first newly created expense for you to start editing.
  • We have introduced an ‘are you sure’ warning IF you move away from the bulk add dialog that has expense items selected BUT you have not created them yet
  • You can now paste from calculators, in the past we had issues accepting , and . if you pasted 400,000.35 into a currency input. 
  • We have updated Homeloans Ltd to in the bank institutions list to be in line with current naming convention
  • We now showing the ownership value and the full value of the property on the home dashboard IF the ownership is less than 100%
  • We have introduced labels on cards that will not be counted as part of the current position. For example if the income start date is in three months time, it will not change your current income calculation, there will be guidance labels on the card when this does occur.

Major Releases

  • We’ve added the functionality to view and edit your past data! This is viewable and editable via the historical changelog, which you can read more about here.

    This update includes the import of your past historical changes into your historical changelogs so that you can now view and edit your past data in Moorr.

  • We’ve implemented the first of our Card Insights release! This release provides the framework for us to continue to release even more insights on a broader scale to give you more value in Moorr. Read more about this here.

Minor Updates

  • We’ve added navigation buttons to the top of Financial Cards. You can use these to navigate to your next and previous cards.
  • We’ve added in a ‘back’ button on Cards, designed to navigate you back to a previously linked Card (such as from an Asset to a linked Expense Card).
  • Added the ability to archive/restore/delete linked cards (such as property expenses), a previously restricted feature.

Major Releases

  • Bulk Edit/Add and Highlighting Unused Cards functionality has been added for Expenses. Read more about this release here.
  • Added Search, Sorting and Filter functions to the MyFINANCIALS Card Tray. Get the full details here.
  • Income and expense frequency headers – Quickly see your income and expenses by different frequencies. Learn more here.

Minor Updates

  • Moved Credit History above professional Team on the personal info page
  • Default ownership to person 1 if there is no partner active.
  • Increasing the usability of the multi-select input – the clickable area is now larger
  • Moving the address field higher in the Details list on the property card
  • Swapping the Expense Item and Expense Name field in the Ongoing Property Costs section on the property card – makes the fields more usable.

Bug Fixes

  • The button to Knowledge Centre.
  • Net Worth Calculation in MoneyFIT.
  • Borrowing cards occasionally not opening.
  • Saving property income values when entered via the quick-edit feature within an Asset Card.
  • Expense cards display.
  • Onboarding expenses (best guess) diplay.
  • UI issue with pre-tax deductions not allowing a user to edit after the first save.

Bug Fixes

  • Home dashboard’s annual household income calculation to use ‘total income’ rather than ‘gross income’.
  • Dropdown filter for mandatory fields in Financial Cards
  • The display of interest rate under the property portfolio breakdown on the home dashboard’s summary.
  • Displaying Property attributes relating to bedrooms/bathrooms/living rooms/car spaces

Minor Updates

  • Changed the name of button when creating a property costs under an Asset Card from ‘Save’ to ‘Create’.
  • Changed the Ownership Headers to accommodate ‘other’ ownerships.
  • Added a restriction to prevent Archived Assets from being selectable as a Purpose or Security in a Loan.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed special character restriction preventing certain cards from being created. 
  • (Mobile) Cards’s filter option 
  • Calculation on the Home Dashboard’s Summary of Income & Expenditure where a user held an SMSF Jointly and the Super Salary Sacrifice was being applied to both persons rather than just the selected.
  • SMSF’s display when ‘other’ ownership was selected
  • Previously held and unclassified additional bill payments display

Major Release

Minor Updates

  • Adjusted the calculation for interest on loans within the Investment Property Deductions on Home Dashboard to correctly be determined by a loan’s use of funds (as an investment type) rather than the borrowing selected.
  • Adjusted home dashboard to show only the current position of the user, taking into account start and end dates of Income Cards and excluding Archived Cards.
  • Colour coded loans and securities on home dashboard under the portfolio summary.
  • Removed boolean yes/no on super contributions to future proof field for historical tracking. Assumes no contributions if blank.
  • Added Other Ownership on certain Assets with Splits (property, investments, SMSF Superannuation).

Need more help?

Had enough of trying everything else? Just keen to have a yarn with a real, living, most likely human being? No worries! We’re here to lend a hand with any questions, concerns, or issues you’ve got. Our Support Team is stoked to tackle any queries you’ve got about Moorr. Whether you’re battling to sort out tricky expenses, reckon you’ve found a bug, or perhaps you’ve got a great idea for the app, we’re all ears!

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