
It’s always good to be paying off debt. You won’t go broke paying off your debts.
Why Use AssetSPEED™?

AssetSPEED™ is going to do the bulk of your heavy lifting over time, as the true power of compounding kicks in (that’s why it’s the turbo-charger).
What does a Successful WealthSPEED story look like?

That’s the objective here; make your WealthSPEED® go faster. The faster it goes, the better your financial story and future retirement will play out, and for some, the quicker you get to your financial peace destination.

AssetSPEED™ is the sum of each of the four-investment asset sub-gauges, making up the total asset growth indicator.

SuperSPEED™ is calculated as the total of your household superannuation balance growth at an hourly rate and includes employer contributions received while working, as well as any salary sacrifice or post-tax contributions to your superannuation.

In this section, you are going to learn about the projected total value change in your assets over an annual period.
Debt Reduction SPEED™

DebtReductionSPEED™ is the hourly rate at which the total sum of any principal debt is decreasing.

SavingSPEED™ is the calculated hourly rate at which you are forecast to accumulate surplus cashflow or ‘money’.

SpendingSPEED™ Is calculated by capturing all your expenses.